Saturday, November 20, 2010

5 books

**all the books are at the top of the page because I have deleted the photos to many times as I tried to edit my post. I finally gave up

Barnes and Noble asked a question on facebook today " can you tell your life story in 5 books (from kids books to current reading)? It got me to thinking about the books I really remember reading or being read to me over the years.

Those of you who know me know I am an avid reader. I have read thousands of books. I really wish I had a list of all the books I have read over the years.

I have a vivid memory of going in the library when I was eight and checking out LITTLE WOMEN by Louisa May Alcott. I was drawn to it not because anyone had told me about it but because the author's first name was Louisa which is my middle name.

When I was in high school I decided I was going to read all of Earnest Hemingway's books which I did. Who knows what made me want to read all of his books.

Books have always been a part of my life. It is in my blood. One of my favorite things to do is go to a book store. Chase asked me the other day "If there was a Zombie invasion where would you go?" with out hesitation I said Barnes and Noble....if I am going to die I am certainly going to die in a place I love plus I can get snacks at Starbucks until the Zombies come to eat my brains. I think it is a win win ;)
So with out anymore ramblings on my part here are my 5 books (but I had a really hard time keeping it to 5)

The first book I remember "reading" was I AM A LITTLE BUNNY by Ameri Fechner. I loved this book and would look at it over and over again. It is the one book I can remember asking
for my mom or dad to read to me at night.

I have lovely memories of my dad coming home from work taking a shower and then I would sit in his lap while he would read to me from THE WIND IN THE WILLOW by Kenneth Grahame. I think I was in Kindergarten or first grade when we read this "together".

I loved reading the ENCYCLOPEDIA BROWN BOY DETECTIVE series by Donald Solob. This was the beginning of my love for reading mystery's

When I was in middle school I came across a book called THE VELVET ROOM by Zilpha Keatley Synder. This was a book that I read over and over even when I was in high school. On the Barnes and Noble site it says for age 9 and up which I think is fine I don't remember any thing that would not be OK for a 9 year old but I am not sure I would have read it in high school several times if it was a book for such a young audience. Then again I will read the back of a box if there isn't anything else around maybe it is for a younger audience.

I am currently reading CHILD OF THE NORTHERN SPRING BY Persha Woolley. This is book one of The Guinevere Trilogy. I am on page 114 of 450 but I am loving this book so far.

Here is the link to the synopsis because I don't know how to copy and paste into my blog.

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