Writer Martha Beck calls unrealistic goals WIGs: Wildly Improbable Goals. In the September 2002 issue of Oprah magazine she says: "... learning to invite and accept your own WIG can awaken you to a kind of ubiquitous, benevolent magic, a river of enchantment that perpetually flows to your destiny
Most of my life it seems I have had WIGS.
wanted to open a children's museum when I was a teenager. I had gone to the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh with my grandmother. I had never seen anything like it and wanted to open one in SC where I lived at the time. I spent hours dreaming of things that could be in the museum. I held on to that dream until I was in college. I don't really remember letting go of that dream per say and I still think of it from time to time.
I don't really think I had a WIG dream in my early twenties. I guess I was to busy serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, dating, getting married and trying to find a job. not necessarily in that order ;)

In my mid twenties to early thirties I wanted to open a school. I had a lot of friends who were teachers, but had chosen to stay home with their children. I wanted to open a school where these women could keep there teaching skills up to date, but not have to work full time. I dreamed of finding the perfect house to buy and turn into a school. I wanted a big white farm house,kind of like the school Mary went to on "Little House on the Prairie" when she went blind. Now that my kids are older and I only have 6 1/2 years of schooling (before college) left. I have left that dream behind too. In fact I have no regrets that this did not happen. I think it is a great idea but I would have been very unhappy if I had ever really done this.

I have three current WIGS. I would love to open a fiber arts store. It would be more than a yarn store. It would be a place where you could take classes on, kitting, crocheting, spinning, tatting, weaving, rug hooking and whatever else is in the fiber world. So many "old fashioned" arts are being lost. I started doing old fashioned rug hooking several years ago I really love it. I don't spend as much time on it as I would like or should. That is mostly because I really don't feel like I know what I am doing. Most of the time classes are for weekends or weeks in the form of retreats which I can't afford right now in my life. Which is also why I can't open store.

The second WIG I have right now is to own a bookstore. I love books, I love the smell of them, the feel and sight of them. It calms me down to walk into a bookstore. Instant feeling of " I belong" . Drew got me a Nook for my birthday which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!! As much as I love holding a book I have to say I love being able to have several books with me at a time. I currently have 174 (yes that is correct) books on my Nook. I love that no matter where I am I have something to read. It fits nicely into my purse so I am almost never without it. I think this WIG maybe the one that is the most realist WIG I have had. This one may just happen but I don't think it will be anytime soon.

The third WIG is that I would love to write a book. I have had this WIG off and on for about 20ish years now. There is one HUGE problem. I am not very gifted at writing. Writing a blog is much different from writing a book. I have several ideas for books (one of them I think is really really good. I have shared it with 2 other people and they think it is a good idea too) I just don't know how to translate that idea into a book. I am thinking and taking notes and maybe in another 25 years I will have written a book.
I may never accomplish any of my WIG's but I think it is wonderful to dream about what could be.